Magic Trick With Google

Here’s a magic trick to surprise friends with; go to the flash-based fake Google homepage by Dark Arts Media. Ask someone casually to watch the Google logo; don’t announce you’re about to perform a magic trick. Now click anywhere on the page while pointing at the logo with the other hand, and then move two of your fingers to completely cover the the “o"s in the Google logo. When you remove the fingers, hopefully to much surprise, the letters “o” will be missing from the logo.

Now ask the visitor to move her fingers over the missing “o"s, and click on the page again. After your friend removes the fingers, the logo will be complete again.

The trick here? Whenever you click on the page, the letters will disappear after five seconds. Clicking again will make them reappear after five seconds. (A third click, by the way, will change the page to an actual Google homepage so you can perform searches then.) If you successfully perform this trick, let us know!

A worst ststement by Narayan Murthy

'We won't hire anybody from Satyam' - Infosys

Friends this is the statement made by Mr Narayan Murthy founder Infosys.
What are your opinions on this?Please do write your opinions on this and spread the world about this. I have written my point of view please note that this is my own opinion and nothing is related to this.Here goes my opinion about his statement:

Mr.Narayan Murty even though I m not an employee of Satyam but I would like to share my point of view on your statement.See what all the things happened that are happened behind the curtains of employees by idiot Raju,employees doesn't even know whats that internal matter happening around them,as this is the global recession time many of the employees has decided not to look for a job change instead they had stick to there jobs.But when the world got to know about the fraudster Raju they also came to about the situation and are in search of a new job.As a human being even if you don't want to take any employees of Satyam,you shouldn't made such a non-sense statement publicly.It should be your companies internal matter.Why the hell are you thinking yourself as a superior Your not a God keep this in your mind.God will help them out in there trouble time.One or another day you will also have to see this kind of hard day in your life,because its a cycle whoever goes up will have to come down one or another day.I know why are you making such a bull shit statements just to get there most of their clients into your pocket,this is what is your business strategy.Are you in a mindset that Your company is only place to work for IT and ITES employees Open your eyes Murty there are many other good companies which only looks for talent not the percentage like yours hell company.Our traditions teach us that whoever comes to our door and ask for water no matter who he is even he is our enemy we will give him water.But you being Indian shame on you old man.Shame on your Infosys. "

Access Internet From Mobile Using Computers Internet Connection

Now as with most mobile hacks, this is limited to symbian mobiles which includes almost all Nokia Series60 and Many Sony Ericsson phones.

Why do I need this?

Yep. I felt the same long time back and also left the idea, but our reader Manish wanted to know this. And now I am done with this I am finding this quite useful. I need internet on mobile only to update themes, games and other stuff. Downloading themes, softwares and other stuff on PC and then sending them to mobile is one option but I always find its tedious.

This one is really better as its FREE and speed is much better than what GPRS ever offered!

How it will work?

We normally connect PC and Mobile for file transfer and data synchronization. One step ahead, we use GPRS on mobile to connect internet on PC side. All these means, two devices can connect to each other and share Internet. Only remaining possibility left to check was, can mobile dial/use/access internet on PC?

And here is the solution which will work for sure but may need some efforts…

Access Internet From Mobile Using Computers Internet Connection


  1. A PC with internet connection. OS does not matter. Also it doesn’t matter how you connect to internet from PC.
  2. A symbian handset with GnuBox - a free and open-source tool which will do thing on your handset.
  3. mRouter to do things on PC side. Its optional but can save your lots of time. You can manually handle

Now first requirement is obvious, lets take care of the remaining too…

Preparing PC side…

#using mRouter (Windows only)

Windows user can download mRouter. Then install it on your PC and restart the machine.

Next you need to configure mRouter which is quick & easy. Tam Hannahere. explained it very well

#without mRouter

Now all major OS have internet connection sharing feature.

On windows, you need to add a new modem and attach it to COM port which is used fro Mobile-PC communication. As an example check this article for details on how to do it on Windows, Symbian Mobile & Bluetooth channel combo.

Covering all details of other OS is not possible here. Check tutorials section below for a matching reference.

Preparing Mobile side using GnuBox…

Download GnuBox version for your handset models.

GnuBox have a dedicated page here. Do not forget to check it, as it have

For particular instructions for your handset, OS combo, check tutorials from following section.

Tutorials & References…

Official GnuBox page covers most of the details but its not enough for many users. So here is the list of tutorials & references which may help you…





You can find many vidoes dedicated for gnubox on YouTube. Watch one which best suits for your task. :-)

Thats it. I know it sounds a lot of work! But its worth it… ;-)

I have done this on Nokia N70 and using mRouter on Windows XP machine. So I am quite sure it will work. Still if you stuck somewhere feel free to comment… :-)

Fun with GTalk/Pidgin: Changing your status messages programatically

We have always seen people trying to come up with catchy one-liners and cool slogans as their gtalk status messages. On being unable to come up with cool, funky and _original_ status messages to impress friends and colleagues, I decided to put on the programmer’s hat and came up with ways to set these status messages through a simple program. Advantages? Well, enormous. Once you can control the status message string through a program, you can basically rotate it (Rotating status messages do look cool :) ), update it automatically every 1 minute, write a scripts that ‘copies’ your friends status messages periodically :P… Seriously, the opportunities are limitless and only await your imagination! GTalk status messages can be thought on the lines of a Publish-Subscribe Messaging. To understand this, think of a simple newspaper. It publishes some information everyday and its reader in a way subscribe to this information. In the same way your messenger status message is published by youand it is “subscibed” by your friends. This can be thought of as a kind of Multicasting group. So, as part of this blog, I will basically discuss the Google Talk XMPP protocol and will focus on 2 popular IM that use this: GTalk for Windows and Pidgin for Linux (actually pidgin is multi platform)

Configuring Pidgin (in Linux):

For this you will need libpurple-bin to be installed on your system. You can find this in all common linux repositories. For eg. in Ubuntu, this can be done by a simple command:

$ sudo apt-get install libpurple-bin

Once this is done, we need a simple shell script to change our status message. For eg. the script below, makes the current date/time being set up in the status message in case you are “available” in the format :

Wed Jul 2 13:46:53 EDT 2008

and updates it every 30 seconds.

while test 1 = 1; do
if test "`purple-remote getstatus`" = "available"; then
purple-remote "setstatus?status=available&message=${msg}"
sleep "${sleep_time}s"

This file can be downloaded here.

Let us call it

Now what remains is just to execute this with pidgin running and you are done! The status messages will keep on changing every 30 seconds and I guarantee it will be fun :) Please don’t tamper much with the sleep time because while you are chatting, your status message is displayed on your friend’s side whenever it is changed. So you can imagine that it becomes quite irksome for your friend to continuously notice your status message change.

Configuring GTalk (in Windows):

Configrung GTalk messages programatically in Windows is a little tricky (another reason to switch to open source linux:) ) . For this, you need to have a Java Development environment in your system as we need to write XMPP application code using a well known API called Smack API which is in Java.

So, first of all, let us start with installing Java on the system (if you donot already have it) which you can get here. Once this is done, we need to get the Smack API which is an open source, pure Java library for working with XMPP (clients only). The API can be downloaded from The source code for this can be obtained from download the appropriate libraries and put the JAR files in your classpath. If you can’t figure out how it is done, please Google your way around or refer this.

Now, we get down on writing the code!

The java file will look like:

// Import appropriate headers and packages
XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection("");
connection.login("username", "password");
Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.available);
presence.setStatus("Hello Friends!");
Thread.sleep(30000); // Sleeps for 30 seconds
catch (XMPPException e)

The thing to notice here is that the argument of setStatus is a String. So, to rotate your status message, just use the following function:

    private static String rotate(String input)
return input.substring(1) + input.charAt(0);

which takes in a simple string as input and rotates it one character at a time:




So, get down to it and Enjoy!

Google Health

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