Happy Independence Day!!!

On Independence Day Here’s wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us… NOW AND ALWAYS!!!

Take a stand against evil, corruption & terrorism 4 we belong to India, a nation of pride & we will thus say- "HINDU, MUSLIM, SIKH, ISAI, SAB HAI BHAI BHAI."
god bless all of us!!!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Orkut Scraps
Sanjeev Kulkarni

Bhuvan, (Sanskrit: भुवन, lit: Earth) launched by ISRO

ISRO launched the beta version of its web-based 3-D satellite imagery tool, Bhuvan, on August 12, 2009. Bhuvan will offer superior imagery of Indian locations compared to other Virtual Globe software with spatial resolutions ranging from 6 m to 55 m. Locations can be viewed from different perspectives and will allow for the measurement of distances. The Bhuvan portal is designed to run on slow Internet connections. The imagery would steer clear of all sensitive military installations in India for security concerns.

Bhuvan displays better images of India than the ones relayed by Google Earthweatherstates and districts, relevant only to the country. Bhuvan is equally capable of offering images of the globe, but the best resolution area includes India at the moment. In the Indian subcontinent, Bhuvan will be able to display a picture from ten meters away that is; a commuter moving on the road can be easily spotted.[5] along with a number of other interesting features which include information and even administrative boundaries of all


National Remote Sensing Agency played an important role in the creation of this product. ISRO has used data provided by satellites including Resourcesat-1, Cartosat-1 and Cartosat-2 to get the best possible imagery for India. ISRO claims that the application can provide imagery of up to 10 metres for major Indian cities compared to 200 meters provided by Google Earth.

Google launches a major offensive against Microsoft

The clash between Microsoft and Google has turned more intense. First, Google announced its first operating system, Chrome. Then Microsoft announced the new version of Office with major cloud applications support. To increase its presence in the search engine market, Microsoft recently announced its deal to take over Yahoo's search business. Now, Google has announced the launch of its new promotional campaign called 'Going Google.'

The main target of 'Going Google' campaign is to topple Microsoft's hold in office applications. Google will soon launch a series of advertisements which will boast why some 3,000 organizations are signing up to use Google applications each day. Google claims that so far over 1.75 million businesses, schools and organizations have signed up to use the various combinations of Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and the other Google apps. Currently, Microsoft Office has the highest market share for office related applications. Google is trying to be proactive in telling people why its solution is better than Microsoft Office.

Google will be heavily investing in the 'Going Google' campaign and it plans to advertise through billboards on four major U.S. highways that will give a new message about Google apps everyday for a month. The billboards will be placed on the 101 in San Francisco, the West Side Highway in New York, the Ike in Chicago, and Mass Pike in Boston.

Google is also attempting to use Twitter platform to spread the 'Going Google' message. At the bottom of its blog post on the matter, Google urges people who use its apps to 'Tweet your story' and provides a link to auto-populate a tweet with the #gonegoogle hashtag. You can also follow the GoogleAtWork Twitter account to follow the Gone Google stories.

Google also plans to use 'Spread the Word' campaign, which will be similar to Mozilla's campaign to promote Firefox. Google will also try to use the conventional way of sending fliers and pre-populated emails to promote its 'Going Google' campaign.

Yeah the world is looking for big war between Google and Microsoft.Thing is that Microsoft never gives any thing free so it's not giving much benefit to normal end user as opposed to Google.Google gives free many of their products.What could have happened if Google has established their company before Microsoft? I guess we would never heard the name Microsoft by then! My appreciate Google and Microsoft for all their innovations in the IT field.Lets see what happens in the future.Who will the battle? My well wishes are with Google, and I also pray Microsoft to innovate and give a damn fight.

How to add a “loading” icon to your larger images

Let’s say that you have a large image (or several large images) on a particular page, and you want to let visitors know that the image is loading. You could use a piece of javascript to embed a “loading” image for all images that have not yet loaded, but unless you are loading a ton of very large images on a single page, we have a much simpler (and cleaner) method to accomplish the same thing.

Step 1: Find a preload image.

There are many fantastic sites out there that will allow you to create your own preload images. Our favorite is here. Just remember not to choose an icon that is too large (file size), or it may not load until after the larger image has loaded. Here is the one that we have created:

loading image

Step 2: Create the CSS

There is just a little bit of code to create here, and it can be pasted directly into your stylesheet. Just be sure to replace the “youricon.gif” text with your image name.

Code to paste into your stylesheet:
.load{background:url('images/youricon.gif') no-repeat center;}

Step 3: Applying the code
There are a couple of ways to do this, but this is probably the best solution (depending on your application). Simply encase the image you are interested in loading within a “load” div, and apply the width and height of your image to the div.

Here it is applied to an image:

You will likely need to clear your cache and reload this page to see the loading icon appear. A more thorough example of this loading icon in action can be found here.

a very large image

As mentioned by contributor Lim Chee Aun below, you could also bypass the div and apply the .load class directly to the image itself, and here’s how you can do it:
alternate text

The reason we hadn’t mentioned this idea initially, is if the image does not load it can break the look of the design. If you are absolutely positive you will not have any loading issues, you don’t care if the image needs to be centered (while validating xhtml strict), or if you are applying the class to multiple images, this may be a cleaner solution for you. See our updated example page below for examples of the method created both ways.

If this solution doesn’t fix the problem for you application, let us know what you are doing differently and we’ll be happy to go into more detail.

This method has been tested in and is compatible with Internet Explorer 5.5, 6, 7, Firefox (PC and Mac), Netscape and Safari (PC and Mac).

That’s all folks!

If you have an idea or article that you would like to contribute, send it on! We’re always looking for good, quality articles. Note that we will not republish an article that has been published elsewhere, so keep it original!

When Everything Goes Wrong....


In times of pain
When everything ends in vain,
When all dreams seem washed in rain,
Just count what will remain
And believe there is lot to gain.

When loneliness haunts you,
When whole world seems hostile,
Just close your eyes and believe,
There will be someone,
For whom you will be the world.

If bitter words haunt you,
And terrible scorns hurt you,
Just believe in yourself and smile,
For belief is one virtue,
That surely leads to zenith.